I've been meaning to share my friend Heather's super cute calendar and child's art display ideas. Heather works crazy hours as a restaurant manager. To make sure her hubby and precious little boys always know what's going on, she made this adorable chalk board calendar with a board and some chalkboard paint.

I think the tall board looks so cute and no one at her house will ever miss an appointment. ;)

On the other side of her cabinet, she cut another board the same length and covered in in cork board. Doesn't all of B Man and Baby H's artwork look so cute!
I bought this ADORABLE Princess Carriage at Home Goods and cannot wait to turn it into lamp for "Bugs" bedroom.
I am so ready for spring and the warmer weather so I can get out in the garage and get to work.
I LOVE those chairs! And, I cannot wait to see the carriage as a lamp! So Crafty:)